Monday, 31 December 2012
Reviews and Such
I think I’ll start with Happy new years eve. I don’t know about you but for some reason it feels like I haven’t written a review in a while, but I guess with Christmas it feels like that to me. I hope everyone had a great Christmas and got lots of books. This weeks review is going to a bit different than my normal reviews. I don’t have a book to review, well I sort of do but I’ll explain throughout the blog.
For Christmas I got ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ the book set which is made up the thirteen books written by Lemony Snicket, Which I’m sure you’re all aware of. As you can see that’s a lot of books to review in one blog, for one week. So I was thinking that every second week It’ll be, Lets say .. ‘Lemony Snicket week’. It may take a few second weeks but I think it will be easier to review them all then and since the books are quite small I’ll be reviewing two or three a week. Hope that’s alright with you.
I didn't want to leave you with no review at all this week and just me talking on about next weeks review. I thought I might as well review something I got that I read in maybe twenty minutes, It may not seem that long but I really enjoyed reading it.
It’s not exactly a book as such, It’s a poetry book. I’m not very into reading poetry but I do love Tim Burton. ‘The Melancholy Death of Oyster boy & Other Stories’ Written by nun other than Tim Burton himself. I have to say that it was really very amusing. I would recommend if you like Tim Burton or enjoy poetry that you give it a try.
I’ll write a few poems down, in replacement to quotes.
Stick boy liked Match girl,
he liked her a lot.
He liked her cute figure,
he thought she was hot.
But could a flame ever burn
for a match and a stick?
It did quiet literally;
he burned up pretty quick.
There once was a morose melonhead,
who sat there All day
and wished he were dead.
But you should be careful
about the things that you wish,
Because the last thing he heard
was a deafening squish.
To avoid a lawsuit,
we’ll just call her sue
(or “that girl who likes to sniff lots of glue”).
The reason I know
That this is the case
is when she blows her nose,
Kleenex sticks to her face.
If you liked them you should read the others for example, “Robot Boy”, “Voodoo Girl” or “The boy with nails in his eyes”.
I must say that the illustrations were the best part, if you have seen Tim Burtons drawings before you’ll understand where I'm coming from, if not you must go and look them up now, they’re incredible.
Okay, so next weeks review will be the start of “Lemony Snicket week”, and then that’ll be every second week for a while. Hopefully it works out.
These are Tim Burton's drawings to match his poems.
This will be the series I'll be reviewing for a while.
Monday, 24 December 2012
The Ask and the Answer
The book I will be review for this week is.. Wait. Aren't I forgetting something. Hmmm. Oooh yes. Christmas. Merry Christmas eve everyone. I guess you suppose this review is going to be all Christmassy and Merry, full of candy canes and sleigh bells. Well I’m afraid it wouldn't fit with the book I’m reviewing this week. Which is full of loss, torture, action, suspense and murders most foul. If you like you can go and find a happy review of ‘The night before Christmas’, or something along those lines, But if you are intrigued by what I have told you I recommended you stick around.
Wow. I must say I was very dramatic in writing that opening. Very well lets get on with the book, those who have stayed to read. The book I have review this week is “The Ask and the Answer”, The second book from the Chaos Walking trilogy written by Patrick Ness. I enjoyed this book very much, more then the first. So I must say they are getting better and better. This one had way more suspense than the last and I think that’s why I enjoyed it much more. The fact that I couldn't put it down because something was always happening, there was never one dull second. Never.
Fleeing before a relentless army, Todd has carried a desperately wounded Viola right into the hands of their worst enemy, Mayor Prentiss.
Immediately separated from Viola and imprisoned, Todd is forced to learn the ways of the Mayor’s new order.
But what secrets are hiding just outside of town? And where is Viola? Is she even alive? And who are the mysterious Answer?
And then, one day, the bombs begin to explode…
Of coarse you can’t tell but while I wrote that I was remembering everything that resulted in all things said up above. While answering the questions in my head as well. I would love to tell you everything that happened, all the amazing fights and horrible gruesome deaths, to the mind manipulation and betrayal. But I’ll hold it in, Believe me I’m trying my best not to rune it for the people who want to read it, really I am.
Now for something I haven’t done in a review in a while, My favorite character. I have to say it’s Viola. When reviewing the first book I didn't have a favorite because they were all so different and interesting in there own ways, But I have to change that now. Viola has changed the most within the two books, I know most people would say it was Todd but I have to disagree. Her personality and feeling have grown a lot. She goes from being a non-speaking shy girl, to a strong leader full of confidence and is not scared to speak her mind. She has some fierce anger inside too, will never give in to the enemy and do what’s right.
Also the relationship between Todd and Viola has grown some what, but that is all I’ll say.
“How do you know yer alive if you don’t hurt?”
“Yer the only friend I got, pigpiss… Ain’t that the biggest tragedy you ever heard?”
“She tried to kill you, Viola. She tried to blow you up… You don’t owe her nothing,’ he says.
But I feel his arms on me and I’m realizing things don’t seem so impossible anymore. I feel Todd touching me and there’s anger rising in my gut but it’s not at him and I grunt and I pull myself up again, leaning on him to keep me there as I stand. ‘I do own her,’ I say. ‘I owe her the look on her face when she sees me alive.”
“Or perhaps we should just ask Todd.”
I pound the glass right at his face. He doesn’t even flinch.
And then she says, “Todd would never tell you. Never.”
And the Mayor just looks at me.
And he smiles.”
“You won’t,” says the Mayor, smiling again. “Everyone knows you aren’t a killer, Todd.”
He pushes Viola forward again-
She calls out from the pain of it-
Viola. I think-
I grit my teeth and raise the rifle-
I cock it-
And I say what’s true-
“I would kill to save her,” I say.”
“As to how you’ll help me,” he says. “Well, we have met the Answer, have we not?”
He turns back to look at us, his eyes glinting. “It’s time for them to meet the Ask.”
I have to say the last quote there would have to be my favorite of all. I always try to look out for when they bring the title into the book, explaining why it is called what it is.
I would give this book five out of five stars and would recommend it to thirteens and up. It is an amazing book as I have said many times in this review you must be sick of it, But it really is. I think it will be very hard for you to find a better book to read with the qualities I have said.
Again, Merry Christmas eve. I hope you get lots of books for Christmas, I sure hope I do. Now I’m off to watch my favorite Christmas movie, ‘The Nightmare before Christmas’.
Sunday, 16 December 2012
Dark Lord: A Fiend in Need
First things first, I have to apologize for not having a review up last Monday. With study and Christmas shopping it was just mayhem. Complete. Utter. Stress filling mayhem. So to make up for it I shall make this review a good one.
I really did love the book I reviewed last, Dark Lord: Teenage Years and I absolutely recommend it by the way. Usually I wait a week or two before I review the sequel of a book I’ve just read. You know to recover from the emotional pain it has caused me, but in this case not so much. The second of the Dark Lord books was just casually sitting on my shelf before it caught my eye when I was choosing what to read next. From then on it was no longer just sitting there. It was sitting there just mocking me with its amazing cover and many other qualities. I’m afraid in a moment of weakness and I heard a voice calling to me, telling me to pick the book up. So from those events this weeks review is… drum role please… Dark Lord: A Fiend in Need. (By Jamie Thomson)
I don’t have much to go on in this review, I literally pored my heart out in the first Dark Lord review, But the review must go on!
I did enjoy this book quite much. There were the same laughs, maybe even a bit funnier then the last. The same old weird, strange and wonderful characters and a few new faces. Plus the illustrations were as unremarkable as ever, I especially love the image of the Dark Lord himself. I expected him to be a bit more scary though, for example maybe a cross between an Orc from Lord of the Rings and the Litch from Adventure Time, but it was still first-rate.
The second of two.. well I’m not sure it’s a good idea myself to tell you what it’s about I seem to go on forever with explaining so I’ll just borrow the description from the back of the book:
It is I, the Great Dirk, destroyer of worlds and most gifted writer ever! My loyal servant Sooz, child of the night, is trapped in the Darklands. The horror! It is vital that I return there before she causes too much trouble…
Time for some negativity unfortunately. Since the first one was so astonishing I think he rushed the second a bit. Some obstacles were just to simply got out of and every time Sooz told Dirk to do something or stop him from doing something he would just agree with her, which I found a bit irritating. I mean he is the Great Dark Lord, is he not and he seems to be taking orders from a child. I was disappointed at this point, but then the disappointment was replaced with suspense and fear when he… well you’ll have to read it to find out. The ending to me was over quite fast and I wasn’t happy knowing this is how it would end, but with that last single line I just stopped thinking about the negative things and was staring at that line for over an hour shocked to the very core.
“Mental problems! Typical of you humans that is, typical. You find someone with an intellect way beyond your own feeble capacities and what do you do? Honour them? Give them the respect they deserve? Put them in charge of bio-weapons research or something useful like that? No, they label you insane and put you in s home with some kid named Christopher! Pah!”
“Sooz’s haw dropped. For a moment she thought it was Darth Vader himself, right out of the Star Wars films, but as the figure drew nearer, she could see that the helmet wasn’t right, it was black and shiny but more like a crusader helmet from medieval Earth, and black clothes and a cape were cut differently.”
“Oh, it’s like that, is it?” said Belchvile. “just coz I’m an Orc I must be stupid, eh? that’s just racist, that is!”
“How dare you!” said Grout. “That’s a detention right there, boy!”
“Of coarse, sir” said Dirk. “but don’t you think you should send me out of the class as well? Only I have an important call to make. If not, I will simply sit here and loudly sing “La Marseillaise”, easily the best of all your absurd Earthly national anthems, until you do.”
Over all it was an amusing, witty, adventurous and bizarre book and with the way it ended, I’m sure a third is not far away.
I shall not end with threatening you to buy this book. I will leave you with the threat from the Great Dark Lord, destroyer of worlds himself, left of the back of the novel:
* An unwanted surgical procedure.
* Being turned into a zombie servant.
* Being cursed with the Cantrip of Uncontrollable Flatulence.
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Dark Lord: Teenage years
I think my review should start with an evil laugh. You’ll understand more once I tell you about the book. I got the first and second book together and started them instantly. The name of the book is Dark Lord: teenage years by Jamie Thomson. Unfortunately I might not have a review up next week. Exams, but I’ll try and if one isn't up on Monday I apologise. Sincerely.
Thirteen-year-old schoolboy, Dirk Lloyd, has a dark secret - in fact he is a dark secret. Dirk - according to his own account - is the earthly incarnation of a Dark Lord, supreme ruler of the Darklands and leader of great armies of orcs and warriors, intent on destruction and bloody devastation. Following a colossal final battle between the forces of good and evil, the Dark Lord was defeated and hurled by his arch-foe's spells into the Pit of Uttermost Despair. At the bottom of the Pit lies...a supermarket car park in the municipal town of Whiteshields, somewhere in modern day England. And when he is found, and tries to explain that he is the Dark Lord, people think he means Dirk Lloyd. The fact that he's trapped in the puny body of a schoolboy doesn't help. And so begins Dirk's battle to recover his dignity, his power, and his lands... Along the way he faces the inconvenience of being fostered by a do-gooding family, the Purejoies; the torture of endless hours of drudgery at the Whiteshields Brainwashing Centre (aka school); a vengeful Headmaster; two interfering Psychotic Persecutors (psychotherapists); and constant laughter and disrespect when he attempts to marshall his lackeys and lickspittles (friends) to do what he wants them to. Dirk makes friends with the son of his foster family, Christopher, and the local Goth Girl, Sooz, and together they attempt to cast a spell that will transport Dirk back to his homeland. Inevitably, not everything goes to plan... But that's for book 2.
It may seem like a lot for writing just to say what the story's about, but believe me, this book deserves it. I really did love this book. I haven’t enjoyed a book and actually laughed out loud like this since Skulduggery Pleasant.
Why I got bought these books was because this book was the Roald Dahl Funny Prize winner 2012 in the seven to fourteen category.
I have to say my favourite character would have to be Sooz (Susan), known as the child of the night by Dirk Lloyd aka The Dark Lord. She’s very funny and I like the tone of voice and the fact that her personality is so strange, weird and wonderful.
“You may call me master”.
“Purejoie! Your homework is late - no excuses, detention.
Then he became Christopher again. ‘I think not, Mousehammer! Meet my bodyguard, Darth Vader!’
Christopher put on the deep, dark voice with the breathing difficulties and said, 'Your powers are weak old man! The ability to give out detention is insignificant next to the power of the force'”.
“He’s like, really miserable. Depressed or something, I’m not sure. The whole thing seems to have hit him pretty hard. He’s like Darth Vader on valium. Hasn't said a word since we got back, just stares glumly out the window”.
“Well, Goths are people who follow a particular fashion style. And a particular kind of music. But it has to be Gothic - you know, some Victorian looking stuff, horror films, maybe a vampire look, which I’m so pleased you noticed. Bit of heavy metal sometimes, or grunge, or some indie bands, and death rock as well. But mostly for me, straight up Goth are kind of, well, different, like outsiders. We don’t fit in with normal people. Or “Normies” as I call them”.
“‘I shall use all my evil genius to see you liberated from the baleful influence of that tyrant Grousammer and you will be free to prowl the night like the sweet little vampire you are’, Dirk enthused.”
I loved this book and I can’t wait to start the next one. If I could I would give it a thousand stars but I’ll just stick with five out of five for now. I would recommend this book to elevens and up. I would just like to give a big, MASSIVE thanks to Paul Sherry for buying me these books!
Thank you.
Monday, 26 November 2012
Lady of the Shades
What. A. Weird. Read. And yet I loved every second of it.
Darren Shan is one of my favorite authors, of all time! I’ve read two of his series’ of books. Which I have reviewed and if I remember where absolutely amazing. My book I am going to review this week I picked up at random. And bought instantly just because I saw the name Darren Shan. The thing is I didn't even read the back to see what it was about. which I think wouldn't of made any difference, because It made no sense. To me anyway. I’ll explain throughout my review.
Woops, I guess I forgot to give the name of the book. Lady of the Shades. A fantastic novel from a fantastic writer. I don’t think I have ever read a book with so many plot twists in my entire life, every time another was said I just got more hooked. I really had to figure out how it all pieced together.
With the darkness of John Connolly and the quirkiness of Neil Gaiman, Lady of the Shades is a dark supernatural thriller for adults from the number one bestselling YA author, Darren Shan.
Ed, an American author on the hunt for a story for his next book, arrives in London looking for inspiration. A stranger in a strange city, he's haunted by a deadly secret that refuses to stay buried, and no matter how hard he tries he cannot escape the manifest sins of his past.
What Ed wants is answers, what he find is something he definitely didn’t bargain for: the beautiful and untouchable Andeanna Menderes. Andeanna is a woman who is dangerously bound to one of London’s most notorious crime lords, and if they are caught together it could mean death for them both.
Ensnared in an illicit affair that can only be conducted in the shadows, Ed’s world is turned upside down as a series of shattering revelations blurs the line between what’s real and what’s not…
I thought the description of the back of the book would be hard to figure out what it was actually about so you should be able to figure out this one out easily. I figured I would have to say this at some stage in this review but, this but is very messed up, really weird.. But in a scary, interesting way I guess.
“I wake abruptly from a troubled sleep to find the dead pressing in tightly around me.”
It was a very good book. I only got into it around part two or three because that’s when there was loads of things you have to think about and figure out. It reminded me of a Sherlock Holmes story which is one of the reasons I enjoyed it. It took him thirteen years to write it which is amazing.
I would recommend this book to fifteens and up. All I can say it it’s a bit of a twister and you will never expect what happens. I would give this book four out of five stars. I have to say it again even though your probably sick of hearing it but I’m warning you it’s a very strange book, but there was no dull moment. Darren Shan has done it again and I have extra love for the cover.
Sunday, 18 November 2012
The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell
Fairy Tales. Everyone knows the stories, from the evil villains, to thee ’Happily ever after’. One thing about Fairy Tales is that there so predictable. Now, I’m not saying I don’t like them, in fact I love them. My favorites are the Grimm brothers, when there not changed for kids because there to morbid or scary.
The name of the book I’m reviewing this week is The Land of Stories: The Wishing Spell. obviously you can see from the name and the little paragraph up there that this book is about fairy Tales. But not how I described them, this book was amazing and had all my favorite characters and they had a few from nursery rhymes.
One thing I only noticed after I bought the book, was the author. Chris Colfer. At first his name didn’t ring any bells, but then I went to the last page and it showed a picture of the author. You probably know who it is by the name, but if you don’t know, like me, It is the boy from glee that goes by the name of Kurt Hummel on the television series Glee. I was really shocked. It’s actually his first novel, I really hope he writes more because he’s quite good at it.
Alex and Conner Bailey’s world is about to change, in this fast-paced adventure that uniquely combines our modern day world with the enchanting realm of classic fairy tales.
“The Land of Stories” tells the tale of twins Alex and Conner. Through the mysterious powers of a cherished book of stories, they leave their world behind and find themselves in a foreign land full of wonder and magic where they come face-to-face with fairy tale characters they grew up reading about.
But after a series of encounters with witches, wolves, goblins, and trolls alike getting back home is going to be harder than they thought.
My favorite thing about this book was that it wasn’t set during the fairy tales, it’s set after them. When Alex and Conner soon discover, the stories they know so well haven’t ended in this magical land- Goldilocks is now a wanted fugitive, Red Riding Hood has her own kingdom, and Queen Cinderella is about to become a mother.
“Woo! It’s so cold, I think we may be twin sisters now,” he said through rattling teeth.”
“Even in the worst of situations-even when it seems no one in the world appreciates you-as long as you have hope, everything can get better.”
“ We've lost count.” Lampton said. “There are three currently. King Chester had four sons: Chance Charming, Chase Charming, Chandler Charming, and Charlie Charming.”
“Maybe there are so many paintings of her because she’s the first monarch the kingdom has ever had. It doesn't have the history the Charming Kingdom has,” Alex said.
“Or she’s just a self-obsessed twit,” Conner said.
There were some funny bits in the book, like the posters or signs like:
Sir Humpty Dumpty’s wall, you were a good egg and shall be missed by more than just the king’s horses and men. Rest in pieces.
In memory of the Boy Who Cried Wolf, you were a liar, but you were loved.
Okay, although I did enjoy this book especially thee characters, there was a few things that I didn't like very much. The twins escaped dangerous situations far too easily, again, the plot lacking imagination. The sentences were far to simplistic, even for a children’s book for example he uses “Conner said” or “Alex said” every single time they speak.
I would recommend this book to children from the age of eight and up. I did enjoy bits and parts of it, it was a very good read. I hope if he decides to write any more books he will be able to improve some weak parts of the plot.
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Who Could That Be at This Hour?
So I have been very busy week with study and homework and more study, but of coarse I still made time for reading. Actually I surprisingly I finished two books this week and started the next one.. I can’t tell If that’s a good thing or a bad thing.. I’m going to say a good thing. Okay, lets get down to business. Lemony Snicket. If you don’t know the name.. get your butt onto the internet and look this genius up. NOW. I’m NOT kidding. Stop reading this and go. ……… okay, your back? You know all about his greatness? Yes. Okay. Now lets get down to business for real.
Before you consider reading “Who Could That Be at This Hour?” ask yourself these questions:
1. Are you curious about what is happening in a seaside town that is no longer by the sea?
2. Do you want to know more about a stolen item that wasn't stolen at all?
3. Do you think that’s any of your business? Why? What kind of person are you? Really?
4. Who is that behind you…
I don’t know about you but when I read that for the first time in easons I looked behind me to find a little kid with pony tails staring at me. It was terrifying. But even though this is a good, mysterious piece to put on the back of a book, It doesn't really tell you what the story’s about. So that’s why I’m going to write one that tells you exactly what it’s about.
In a fading town, far from anyone he knew or trusted, a young Lemony Snicket began his apprenticeship in an organization nobody knows. He started by asking questions that shouldn't have been on his mind. Now he has written an account that should not be published, in four volumes that shouldn't be read. This is the first volume.
It may not make that much sense but I really do recommend you read it. If you have read ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ then you know what I’m talking about when I say that Lemony Snicket’s books are perfect nonsense and also perfectly serious and logical. He is just brilliant when it comes to the way he writes and the way he words the scene or the characters.
“It looked like something the Hemlock needed, or a piece of equipment a plumber had left behind. It looked like none of your business.”
“The library was one enormous room, with long, high meta shelves and the perfect quiet that libraries provide for anyone looking for an answer.”
“There’s an easy method for finding someone when you hear them scream. First get a clean sheet of paper and a sharp pencil. Then sketch out nine rows of fourteen squares each. Then throw the piece of paper away and find whoever is screaming so you can help them. It is no time to fiddle with paper.”
I really enjoyed this book and I am looking forward to reading the next three. I have to confess I haven’t finished ‘A Series of Unfortunate Events’ yet. I am a failure... No, but I have good reasons.
1. I just haven’t had time, I'm always busy saving the world and what not.
2. Of course in Dundalk they don’t actually have the books.. they never do..
I’m going to wait till Christmas or till I have money and order them. I have read one and two and they were amazing but I will get round to the rest.
Okay, back to “Who Could That Be at This Hour?” It was really good I mean really, really good. I would give it five out of five and recommend it to all ages. Even though Lemony is absolutely bonkers, completely mad, over the edge, He still did a fricken amazing job at writing this book.
Sunday, 4 November 2012
The Knife of Never Letting go
So this week I’m going to review a book that was recommended to me by my very wise when it comes to books cousin, Meg. I’m glad she did because It was amazing. It’s call The Knife of never letting go, It’s from a trilogy called Chaos Walking written by Patrick Ness. I really wanted to finish it Friday night. I tried really hard. For example drinking loads and leaving lights on and listening to music but it worked to no avail.. I still fell asleep. When I woke up I realized I had read a hundred and twenty-two pages and I was only ten pages from the end. So I finished reading it in my aunties house the next day. And I was so shocked by the ending. I didn't even care there was a kid climbing on my back. I was frozen with shock.
When I first bought it and read the back It made no sense to me at all. I was so confused. So I asked the smartest thing I know. The Internet. Still I didn't understand. I put a post on facebook asking people and they just said “Just keep reading”, “Just keep reading”. I did. After about three or four chapter I figured it out. I’m here to explain it right and to make sure you don’t end up like me.
Prentisstown isn't like other towns. Everyone can hear everyone else's thoughts in an overwhelming, never-ending stream of Noise. Just a month away from the birthday that will make him a man, Todd and his dog, Manchee -- whose thoughts Todd can hear too, whether he wants to or not -- stumble upon an area of complete silence. They find that in a town where privacy is impossible, something terrible has been hidden -- a secret so awful that Todd and Manchee must run for their lives.
But how do you escape when your pursuers can hear your every thought?
I have to say I really enjoyed this book. After I finished it on Saturday I went straight to easons and bought the next one along with three other books, even though I had six at home I haven’t read yet (I don’t have a problem).
“But a knife ain’t just a think, is it? It’s a choice, It’s a choice, it’s something you do. A knife says yes or no, cut or not, die or don’t. A knife takes a decision out of your hand and puts it in the world and it never goes back again.”
“I promised to keep on going but maybe keep on going means coming back first.”
“And she says, “Then lets just take the effing road and get ourselves to Haven.”
I smile , a little. “You said effing,” I say. “You actually said the word effing.”
“…and I have this stupid little thought that Aaron didn't survive the croc attack after all, that he died but he’s so pissed off at me that dying didn't stop him from coming here to kill me anyway.”
Usually I would love to have the super power or gift that the main character or all the characters have. But in this case not one bit. For someone to read my thoughts all the time would be really creepy.
I really did enjoy this book the more I got into it. I would say who my favorite character is and why, but he/she/it isn't supposed to be in the book in the first place. It may seem confusing now but if you read the book you will understand. He/she/it is found in the swamp (that’s a hint, if you read it.).
I would say this book would be aimed towards young adults. I would say for ages fourteen and up. I would give it four out of five because the beginning was hard to grasp at first.
I absolutely ended up adoring this book. It was amazing, really something to get into, terrifying, full of suspense and I could go on but I have to go and start my next book.
Monday, 29 October 2012
A Monster Calls
Last weekend I bought six books and I only finished one, that’s the one I will be reviewing today. I have to say after reading a book that was five hundred and seventy two pages long, it was a good to read one only two hundred and fifthteen pages. It was a good break. I think my eyes deserve a little break. You know the way people say you can go square eyed by watching a television? Would you get rectangular -because books are the shape- eyes from reading to much? If so.. Ooh man… AHH!! … OH! Phew… my eyes are okay. Phew, anyway now that that’s over and done with let get reviewing.
At seven minutes past midnight, thirteen-year-old Conor wakes to find a monster outside his bedroom window. But it isn't the monster Conor’s been expecting- he’s been expecting the one from his nightmare, the nightmare he’s had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments. The monster in his backyard is different. It’s ancient. And wild. And it wants something from Conor. Something terrible and dangerous. It wants the truth.
Ooh by the way. The book is called A Monster Calls, but I guess you guessed that yourself. It's an amazing book written by Patrick Ness. The illustrations are astonishing really, done by Jim Kay, spooky yet scary. I have to say it was a great book.
It is actually a little spooky. Not scary. Spooky. I found it hard to read before I went to sleep because I thought the monster would come to my window or I would have nightmares. Still I really enjoyed it. It’s one of those books with a meaning in it. I usually don’t like them but in this case I really did.
“You do not write life with words, the monster said. You write it with actions. What you think is not important. It is only important what you do.”
“I wish I had a hundred years, she said, very quietly. A hundred years I could give to you.”
“Conor was no longer invisible. They all saw him now. But he was further away than ever.”
From the final idea of award-winning author Siobhan Dowd- whose premature death from cancer prevented her from writing it herself- Patrick Ness has spun a haunting and darkly funny novel of mischief, loss, and monsters both real and imagined.
I would recommend this book to twelves and up. I have to say it is a really heart warming book. And to tell the truth, I cried twice while reading this book. So good luck with trying not to cry.
An unflinching, darkly funny, and deeply moving story of a boy, his seriously ill mother, and an unexpected monstrous visitor.

Me after finishing the last sentence, on the last page.
Sunday, 21 October 2012
The Mark of Athena
I will be reviewing the third book of a book I have already reviewed. Actually I review the second one two weeks ago and that one was amazing. But Rick Riordan must be a mad genius or something because these books just keep getting better and better. They get funnier, and have twice as much adventure. I have to say I wish we were learning about Greek mythology in school because I would know everything there is to know.
So this week I’m reviewing The Mark Of Athena from the amazing Heroes Of Olympus series of books. This book has it all: character and relationship development, and action packed plot. Basically, this book was the bomb. The book starts off were The Son Of Neptune left off. We finally get to see Annabeth and Percy reunited at last. Unfortunately, the heart warming reunion is cut short to some demi-god mischief and of course since there demi -gods not everything ever go’s to plan. One thing I loved about this book was that within the first twenty pages, the action begins.
In The Son Of Neptune, Percy, Hazel, and Frank met in Camp Jupiter, the Roman equivalent of Camp Half-blood, and traveled to the land beyond the gods to complete a dangerous quest. The third book in the series will unite them with Jason, Piper and Leo. But they number only six, who will complete the Prophecy of seven?
The Greek and Roman demi-gods will have to cooperate in order to defeat the giants released by the Earth Mother, Gaea. The they will have to sail together to the ancient land to find the doors of Death. What exactly are the Doors of Death you might ask? Much of the prophecy remains a mystery…
With old friends and new friends joining forces, a marvelous ship, fearsome foes and an exotic setting, The Mark Of Athena promises to be another unforgettable adventure by master storyteller Rick Riordan.
One very complicated relationship Is Piper and Leo’s. Even thought Piper's with Jason. To Piper Leo looks like a boy she used to know and love, Sammy. When Piper questions Leo he seems to have no idea what she is saying at all. And then Piper shows Leo one of her flash backs, which really complicates things.
Since you have all the relationships like Piper/Jason, Percy/Annabeth, Hazel/Frank and then Leo. Leo. He reminds me of a few people, one in general is chandler Bing. If you know him awesome, If not GO LOOK HIM UP NOW AND DON’T COME BACK TILL YOU KNOW! …. Leo is someone who never stops joking around and messing, which is why he’s my favorite character. Apart from being the … emmm.. Seventh wheel? He is pretty awesome.
“Gods of Olympus.” Piper stared at Leo. “what happened to you?”
His hair was greased back. He had welding goggles on his forehead, a lipstick mark on his cheek, tattoos all over his arms, and a T-shirt that read HOT STUFF, BAD BOY, and TEAM LEO.
“Long story,” he said”
“Did someone just call me wine dude?” he asked in a lazy drawl. “It’s Bacchus, please. Or Mr. Bacchus. Or Lord Bacchus. Or, sometimes, Oh-My-Gods-Please-Don’t-Kill-Me, Lord Bacchus.”
“I’m so glad you’re here,” Aphrodite said. “war is coming. Bloodshed is inevitable. So there’s really only one thing to do.2
“Uh… and that is?” Annabeth ventured.
“why, have tea and chat, obviously”
“This is Annabeth,” Jason said. “Uh, normally she doesn't judo-flip people.”
“Hercules, huh?” Percy frowned. “That guy was like the Starbucks of Ancient Greece. Everywhere you turn--there he is.”
“Oh my god, I am so awesome!” Leo bellowed.
“So awesome!” Echo yelled back.
“He is funny,” a nymph ventured.
“And cute, in a scrawny way,” another said.
“Scrawny?” Leo asked. “Baby I invented scrawny. Scrawny is the new sizzling hot.”
“Behold,” Percy bellowed “The gods chosen beverage, tremble before the horror of diet coke.”
The ending makes me want to cry.. So I can't talk about it..
I have to say I loved this book. I really do recommend you read them. But of course you will have to read the Percy Jackson series first. But believe me when I say it is worth it. These books are amazing and I recommend then to twelve’s and up. I would give this book ten out of ten.
I can’t wait for the next one, The House of Hades. which should be out in under 350 days. I can’t wait!
This is me now, waiting for The House of Hades.
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Young Sherlock Holmes: Snake Bite
So this week I finished another amazing book. It’s the forth book from a set of books I have already reviewed, but most of the authors are writing more so I will be probably be talking about the same book a few times. Still, I love when they write more books on a series because I hate when they end. I guess I could do what doctor who does, he pulls the last page out so It never has to end.
This weeks book was Young Sherlock Holmes : Snake Bite, by Andrew lane. I finished the first four Young Sherlock Holmes at the start of July. I really love the first four books I thought they were amazing and I couldn't put them down. My fingers were glued to the page. But not literally glued because then I wouldn't of been able to see what happened next.
Kidnapped and taken to china, Sherlock finds himself plunged into adventure. How can three men be bitten by the same poisonous snake in different parts of shanghai? Who wants them dead, and why? The answer seems to lie in a message hidden in a diagram like a spider’s web. But solving it leads to an even more urgent question: what has all this got to do with a plot to blow up an American warship? Sherlock is about to experience greater terrors than any he has faced before… Sherlock Holmes: think you know him? Think again.
I would say my favorite character but It was just Sherlock that was in this book, that was one thing I didn't like about the book. Usually I would say Mycroft is my favorite because he is just awesome, he works for the government and is super mysterious.
I have to say I didn't like this one as much as the first four. I was hoping all the characters were in it because I want to learn more about Amyus Crowe’s back round. Also there wasn’t as much action and
adventure in this one. The ending with Mycroft’s letter was something I wish I hadn't read.
I’m not happy with Sherlock and Virginia. The way they are going is not good and I found the ending very bitter. I may as well be angry because I want then to be together or for Virginia to die some kind of horrible tragic and heart wrenching death which destroys Sherlock and explains his aversion to relationships, but I guess not…
Even so it was well paced, interesting as always and with a nice little mystery involved. I would recommend for twelve’s and up for this book and would give it eight out of ten. Anyone who loves Sherlock Holmes like myself will love these books, hopefully as much as I did.
Over all it was a interesting, funny, full with adventures, mystery and a little scary at parts when they were close to death.
Andrew Lane has written another amazing book.
Sunday, 7 October 2012
The Son Of Neptune
As I said in last weeks blog, I’m reading an awesome book and that is the exact awesome book I shall review this week. Your probably saying “tell us the book already!” or well actually scratch that, your probably thinking it because people will possibly think your mad for shouting at a computer screen. It actually thee second one of a book I have already reviewed. So now It’s a sequel. I love the word it’s so funny sounding. Anywho, where was I? awh yes. Wow, I just realized something. It seems I’m actually writing this in speech form. I must be mad, talking to myself, and I know that because I’m learning it in English. Oh yes. WHO’S NOT LISTENING NOW, MISS. TELLING ME I DON’T LISTEN BECAUSE THE MOMENT YOU LOOKED AT ME I WAS ASKING THE GIRL NEXT TO ME THE TIME!!!!
Okay, I’m getting off track. Apologies. Here’s your review.
The name of the book I have read for two weeks, go’s by the name of, The Hero’s Of Olympus: The Son Of Neptune. As I said it’s a sequel and it’s just as awesome as I said. Maybe even as awesome as the first one. Maybe. Possibly. Yes. Even though The Lost Hero was amazing! The Son Of Neptune seems to have had me stuck in just a tiny bit more.
In The Lost Hero, three demi gods named Jason, Piper, and Leo made their first visit to Camp Half-Blood, where they inherited a blood-chilling quest:
Seven half-blood shall answer the call,
To storm or fire the world must fall.
An oath to keep with a final breath,
And foes bear arms to the Doors of death.
Who are the other four mentioned in the prophesy? The answer may lie in another camp miles away, where a new camper has shown up and appears to be the son of Neptune, god of the sea…
With an ever-expanding cast of brave-hearted heroes and formidable foes, this second book in the Heroes of Olympus series offers all of the action, pathos, and humor that Rick Riordan fans crave.
If your interested in this in anyway. Which you should be, but in every way possible. Here is a link to read the first chapter.
I have to say Rick Riordan is absolutely bonkers, completely mad. But he is also amazing! I seriously don’t know how he has written so many books and made every single one as amazing as the last. It’s unbelievable.
“The thing about plummeting downhill at fifty miles an hour on a snack platter - if you realise it’s a bad idea when you’re halfway down, it’s too late.”
“What? You run? Coward! Stand still and die!”
Percy had no intention of doing that.”
“Would Grandmother scold him? Would she say, “Frank! Thank the gods, you've come. I’m surrounded by monsters.”
More likely she’d scold him, or mistake them for intruders and chase them off with a frying pan.”
I recommend this book and the one before, to ten’s and up. I would give it nine out of ten stars. It was amazing and I can’t wait for the next book!!! I have so many questions!!!
I hate waiting.
Sunday, 30 September 2012
The Outsiders
At the moment I reading an amazing book but unfortunately I’m not finished it yet so I can’t write a review on it this week. But of coarse I still bought another new book at the weekend, I guess its just a hobbit. I apologies but I love saying that, I say it every chance I get. Okay back to writing my blog. So I haven’t actually finished a full book for this week, but don’t worry I’m still going to write a review.
So I've decided to write a review on a book I read in English. I know usually the books they make you read in school are usually really boring, dull and you hate every moment of having to read it, not to mention when reading it you want to throw in in a box, lock it with a thousand chains, cast it out to sea and hope a shark finds it, thinks it’s a fish and tier it to pieces (maybe, just maybe that was a bit over dramatic).
BUT! In this case I loved every last moment of this book. It was amazing I can’t even express how much I loved this book. I actually finished the book before everybody else in the class for technically I read the book twice. I think I should start review the book now.
So this week I’m going to review The Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton. It’s an amazing read. I have to say I’m very surprised that I enjoyed it so much. I would definitely read it again. It’s full of action and adventure.
Ponyboy Curtis belongs to a lower-class group of Oklahoma youths who call themselves Greasers because of their greasy long hair. Waking home from a movie, Ponyboy is attacked by a group of Socs, the Greasers’ rivals, who are upper-class youths from the west side of town. The Socs, short for socials, gang up on Ponyboy and threaten to slit his throat. A group of greasers comes and chases the bullies away, saving Ponyboy. Ponyboy’s rescuers include his brother soda pop, a charming, handsome high-school dropout, and Darry, Ponyboy’s oldest brother (Darry assumed responsibility for his brothers when their parents were killed in a car crash). The rest of the greasers who come to Ponyboy’s rescue are Johnny, a sensitive sixteen-year-old; Dally, a hardened street hood with a long criminal record; Steve, soda pop’s best friend; and two-bit, the oldest and funniest group member.
I can’t tell you anything else about the book or I’d rune it for you but I can tell you its AMAZING! It is very funny. I love Hinton’s use of nicknames and teen language makes this a true to life reading experience and you will end up rooting for the group you wouldn’t root for in real life--the Greasers.
“You can’t win. You know that, don’t you? It doesn't matter if you whip us, you’ll still be where you were before, at the bottom. And we’ll still be the lucky ones at the top with all the breaks. It doesn't matter. Greasers will still be Greasers and Socs will still be Socs. It doesn't matter.”
“Shoot, this house ain’t dirty. You ought to see my house.”
“I have and if you had the sense of a billy goat. You’d clean your house up ‘stead of dummin’ ‘round ours”
“Shoot kid, if I did that, my mom would die of shock.”
“Don’t you know a rumble ain't a rumble without me!”
Over all I loved this book! I would recommend this book to thirteen and up. I would give this book ten out of five. It was amazing, funny with lots of action adventure.
(The movies equally as amazing!)
Sunday, 23 September 2012
The Grimm Legacy
Elizabeth has a new job at an unusual library a lending library of objects, not books. In a secret room in the basement lies the Grimm Collection. That’s where the librarians lock away powerful items straight out of the Brothers Grimm fairy tales; seven-league boots, a table that produces a feast at the blink of an eye. Snow White’s step mother’s sinister mirror that talks in riddles.
When the magical objects start to disappear, Elizabeth embarks on a dangerous quest to catch the thief before she can be accused of the crime or captured by the thief.
I had actually picked out this book a few weeks ago, Its cover caught my eye. So last week I got it and only after I had bought it had I read the back to see what it was about. It sounded good and exciting and it was. There was suspense in some parts but not many.
There are a few things I didn’t like about the book unfortunately, flaws it had. The plot was quite weak and it was very slow until about 100 pages in. there was as much action as I hoped for. It seemed more of a teenage book more than an exciting fantasy book. It actually took some effort to finish it. I would be sitting in bed and I’d be wide awake, I’d pick up the book, read it and then suddenly couldn’t keep my eyes open it would be straight off to sleep.
"The one who asks questions does not lose his way”
“Good,” said Dr. Rust. “Take Elizabeth up to stack nine and show her the ropes.”
“But the ropes are on stack two.”
“I mean metaphorically.”
I’m not saying the book was exactly bad, it just wasn’t very good. It was still funny, there was a bit of suspense. You see I love fairy tales and the Grimm Brothers fairy tales are the best so reading about some of my favourites was good.
Also I had to write a short story about a modern fairy tale in English and I have to say this book gave me some ideas so hopefully I get a good grade on it. Over all it was good book.
I would recommend this book to more a younger age maybe ten and up. They would probably find it more interesting than a fourteen or fifth teen year old. I would have to give this book 8 out of ten stars. I think that Polly Shulman did a very good job at this book and I have to say the illustrations for the cover were incredible.
If you like magic, mystery and fairy tales mixed into reality then this is the book for you.
Sunday, 16 September 2012
Do you like books about mystery, adventure and another world were you other mother wants to love and keep you forever and wants to sew buttons into your eyes? If so I have the perfect book for you including all of these things. My favourite Neil Gaiman novel, Coraline. This is an Tremendous book I would definitely recommend you do NOT read this at night in the darkness on your room. I assure you if you do you will find yourself trembling under your bed wishing you took my advice.
Coraline Jones is a very ‘different’ She and her parents move into an old queen Anne style house that has been subdivided into four flats. The other tenants include Miss Spink and Miss Forcible, two elderly women retired from the stage, and Mr. Bobo, who is training a mouse circus. The flat side coraline’s remains empty.
Coraline is a fantasy tale in which Coraline Jones, a smart, feisty and inquisitive young girl, home from school for the summer holidays finds herself very bored indeed. Puzzled by a mysterious locked door in her new home, she finds the key and unlocks it - only to find a strange parallel world concealed behind it. A world which mirrors and distorts her own. Going through the door leads Coraline into a series of adventures which are both fantastical and frightening…
“I don’t want whatever I want. Nobody does. Not really. What kind of fun would it be if I just got everything I ever wanted just like that and it didn’t mean anything? What then?”
“We…we could be friends.
We COULD be rare specimens of an exotic breed of dancing African elephants, but we’re not. At least, I’M not.”
“The names are the first thing to go, after the breath has gone, and the beating of the heart. We keep our memories longer then our names.”
“When your scared, but you do it anyway, that’s brave.”
I would write about my favourite character but I can’t because you see I watched the movie way before I read the book, so Wyborne 'wybie' has always been my favourite. He has always been my favourite so when I found out he wasn’t actually in the book I nearly didn’t even read it. So I’m recommending you read the book then watch the movie.
I would say ages eleven and up would love this book. It is quite spooky but funny. When your finished you will be wandering what go’s on in Neil Gaiman’s head half the time. I have to include thee illustrations were mind-blowing! Dave McKean captured the moments off the scenes remarkably.
I usually don’t say this but, actually scratch that I have NEVER said this but unfortunately this time the movie was better than the book. I’m so ashamed.. I’m going to go and sit with my head down in shame…
(Shhh.. But I have always loved that movie and there is no way the book could have been better! Its scary but amazingly awesome)
Sunday, 9 September 2012
The Dead Of Winter
This week I sort of read The Dead Of Winter by Chris Priestley. By sort of I mean that I didn’t technically finish the hole book, I couldn’t actually finish the book. You see I read before I go to sleep so that’s around eleven o’clock, but this book was a Gothic horror so it was quite scary. I’m terrible when it comes to horror movies. This is the first horror novel I’ve come across so far. I usually read books that have a bit of comedy in them but this book was not one bit funny.
When ever I read the book I got scared, the details where so exact, so it was like when I looked my eyes I could see what was happening. I get extremely scared at horror movies and so I thought that by reading a horror novel it wouldn’t be so scary but I was wrong, it was even more scary. I have to say though it was a good book from what I read.
If you’re a fan of horror but don’t like visual gore and sickening descriptions, The Dead Of Winter might just be the book for you. Chris has done an amazing job on this book. This is a nail-biting story of haunting and terror by the master of the genre, Chris Priestley.
Sunday, 2 September 2012
Skulduggery Pleasant : Kingdom Of The Wicked
This week I read Skulduggery Pleasant : Kingdom Of The Wicked by Derek Landy. Six hundred and seven pages of complete genius. I bought It on Monday and finished on Thursday because I was going to meet Derek Landy on Saturday. I’ve actually never finished a book so fast ever but I’m not surprised because I love his books. I was way to exited to meet him so I had to finish the book so I could ask him questions, plus after I get the book signed by him I will never let another living soul touch it.
This skulduggery Pleasant was about a new breed of sorcerers. All over Dublin normal people with no magic at all are gaining wild and unstable powers over night. Some powers like becoming a werewolf or thinking there a butterfly.
But then there is a way bigger problem called Kitana. A normal seventeen year old girl who with her friends have been infected with these unstable powers. They become corrupted by the power of the gods and are going to tear the city apart if someone does not stop them. Looks like it's going to be another one of those days for Skulduggery Pleasant and Valkyrie Cain.
I have read lots and I mean LOTS of series’ of books, but I have to say that Skulduggery Pleasant will always be my favourite. I loved death bringer the most out of the series but this on comes in a close second. It was amazing thought, not even amazing it was EXTRAORDINARYLY amazing!
I could not put this book down at all. When I woke up I would read for an hour or two. Then if we went somewhere in the car I would have read. Then while I wait for dinner to cook I would of went up to my room and until it was ready, then of coarse when I go to bed I would read at least fifty page before going to sleep.
My favourite character would have to be Ghastly Bespoke who has scars all over his face. Ghastly is a trailer who makes clothes and suits for sorcerers. But these clothes are they armour so they protect you from injures. He is completely awesome and is super funny. He can be very stubborn but is mostly good-natured. He is kind and caring. Although he is gifted with the use of magic, he prefers fighting with his fists and would probably rather live a normal life without magic if he could.
Some of my favourite quotes are:
“Emergency Valve Regulators,” she repeated. “So you do know what your doing?”
“Not really,” he said yanking another wire. ‘I made up that term to keep you happy. I’m just pulling all the red wires because they’re the pretty ones”.
“you look angry,” he said.
“you put me on hold.”
“for a very good reason.”
“you put me,” she said very, very slowly, “on hold.”
“You’ve done what?”
“I know,” he said. “You’re impressed. You send me out for bread and I come back with a boy. Well, not literally. That would be weird. Even for me.”
Derek Landy was my first favourite author and after reading over fifty books he still is. I would recommend this book to elevens and up and would give it ten out of ten. I can not wait for the next book!!!
When I met Derek Landy on Saturday I asked a lot of questions, like if you poked Skulduggery in the eye would it hurt him, since he’s already dead. Before we left he said that he was only going to write three more books and I nearly died to the thought of the books ending. Derek also said that the theme of the next book will be war. That all the characters will come back, resolve things and a lot of people will die. I can’t wait to read the next book but until then I am going to re-read some of the Skulduggery Pleasant books.
Monday, 27 August 2012
The Graveyard Book
This week I read Neil Gaiman’s The Graveyard book. Which my cousin picked out for me to read at Chapters the biggest and best book shop in Ireland. I actually stayed up till half three finishing the book and It was amazing, I have to say it was one of the best single books I’ve read. It was really good at the start because I was in complete suspense but then by the middle it gets a little slow. The ending is the best part though.
The Graveyard Book is about a boy called Nobody Owens, Bod for short, who is a normal boy. Well he would be a normal boy is he didn’t live in a graveyard being raised and educated by ghosts. They found Bod who had wandered into the graveyard as a baby minutes after his family had been murdered by Jack. Bod was then claimed by the graveyard, so the ghosts could protect him. Even though the are dangers and adventures for him in the graveyard, Jack still lurks out in the real world waiting for Nobody Owens.
I was quite sad when it ended. I would have loved if it had been longer or even a sequel to the fascinating novel. I would definitely read it again.
One of my favourite characters would be Silas. Silas is Bods’ guardian. He isn’t exactly dead but he’s not alive. that’s one of the things I found quite interesting about him, he is very mysterious. Apart from providing food for him Silas is also his teacher. He is the kind of teacher who may seem demanding now and then but is always thinking for your interest at heart. Silas disappears from time to time going places. Apart from Nobody he is the most interesting. It would be absolutely mind-blowing if Neil Gaiman wrote the life story of Silas.
Neil is an astonishing writer, I never heard of him before I read The Graveyard Book. Usually after I read a book and write my review I look up the author and see what other books they wrote, but because this novel was so great I couldn’t wait. I was amazed to find out the he had wrote Coraline and Stardust, I’m actually going to go out and buy them. I can’t wait to read them because he put so much detail into this book and I love the way it was adventurous and exhilarating but also scary from time to time.
“Jack leaned over, raised his right hand, the one holding the knife, and he aimed for the chest… and then he lowered his hand. The shape in the crib was a teddy bear. There was no child.”
“He couldn’t push the minds of the dead as he could the living, but he could use all the tools of flattery he possessed, for the dead are not immune to either.”
“Silas went out for one final journey before sunrise. He found the tall house on the side of the hill, and he examined the three bodies he found there, and examined the pattern of the knife-wounds.”
I would recommend this book to ages nine and up its one book you can’t live without reading. I would give this novel ten out of ten.
I am buzzing to read more of Neil Gaiman’s novels.
Monday, 20 August 2012
The book I am going to talk about is Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett. Unfortunately this won’t be like my ordinary reviews because I did not actually finish this book. My aunt who gave me the book after she gave me the idea for a blog. So I am going to talk about the book in general, just how I thought of it and my opinion.
The Wintersmith is about a young girl around the age of thirteen called Tiffany Aching. Tiffany is being trained from a witch by the name of miss treason.
But when she takes Tiffany to witness the secret dark morris, (the morris dance welcomes in the winter) but she gets drawn into the dance and joins in. then something unexpected happens, Tiffany comes face to face with the Wintersmith-winter himself-who mistakes her for the summer lady. He is enchanted by her and mystified by her presence.
Now Tiffany has bigger problems than chores, she starts to discover she has powers and has to deal with the Wintersmith.
Evan though I did not read all of the book, that does not mean I did not enjoy the parts I did read. This was a very interesting book. I got hooked at first while reading it, but I didn’t think a great deal of it some way threw. Terry Pratchett did a very good job at developing the plot but I have to say it was a ‘’out there’’ for me. There was so much going on and so many creatures introduced so quickly. There were humans, gods, goddesses, elementals, ogres and feegles. There was just so much going on all at once. I would have had to read a page nearly three times to understand what was going on.
One thing I loved about the book is the way they spoke. I have to say Terry Pratchett has the oddest way of speaking.
“The trouble is you can shut your eyes but you can’t shut your mind.”
“They writes some bits o’ their letters in them wee codies. that’s a terrible thing tae do to a reader. It’s hard enough reading’ the normal words, wi’oot somebody jumbling’ them all up.”
Hopefully when I have more time I’ll give it ago again. I would recommend this novel to fourteen and up. Over all it was a good few chapters, I have to say the Terry Pratchett is an amazingly astonishing inspirational author.
Monday, 13 August 2012
The Heroes Of Olympus: The lost Hero
I have started a new set of books by Rick Riordan called The Heroes Of Olympus. I read the first book this week called The Lost Hero, after that one there’s The Son of Neptune and The Daughter of Athena which is coming out soon. I stayed up last night trying to finish the first book, I thought it would be really hard. But it was quite easy since I couldn’t put the book down for one second!
The Heroes Of Olympus are a run off from the Percy Jackson series or as Rick Riordan says ‘’A return to Percy Jackson’s word’’. It's Camp Half-Blood once again, and it's got Percy Jackson in it!
Its starts with a boy named Jason, who wakes up on a bus not knowing where or who he is with completely no memory. Now Jason has to figure out who he is with his two new friends Leo, who believes Jason to be his best friend, but later discovers that this was a fake memory manipulated by a mind altering substance called the Mist. And Piper, She believes she and Jason Grace are a couple but is soon given the truth that it was just an illusion.
I loved these books a lot, mostly because I really enjoyed the Percy Jackson ones. One thing I loved about them was everybody from the Percy Jackson book is in these ones. My favourite thing about books with Greek mythology and demi gods would have to be finding out what old of goddess is there parent.
Some of my favourite quotes:
“Piper gripped his hand and followed him, “If I fall, you’re catching me.” “Uh, sure.” Jason hoped he wasn’t blushing.
Leo stepped out next. “You’re catching me, too, Superman. But I ain’t holding your hand.”
“Gaea?” Leo shook his head. “Isn’t that Mother Nature? She’s supposed to have, like, flowers in her hair and birds singing around her and dear and rabbits doing her laundry.”
“Leo, that’s Snow White,” Piper said.”
“She reached into her coat pocket and felt two things she hadn't expected.... One was a wad of cash... she brought out the money. Leo whistled. "Allowance? Piper, your mom rocks!”
I recommend these books to 9 and up, there an amazing set of books so far. Funny. Vastly entertaining. Action-packed. Extremely gripping. Can’t wait to read the next one!!
Monday, 6 August 2012
Percy Jackson
I have been working on the Percy Jackson series for two weeks now, written by Rick Riordan. I have to say they were extraordinary. I loved them, It was really a set of books I would read again. It is made up of five books, The Lightning Thief, The Sea of Monsters, The Battle of The Labyrinth and The Last Olympian.
Percy Jackson is a very troubled boy who has ADHD and dyslexia. He lives with his mother and smelly step father in an apartment, his father left without explanation when he was a baby and he has never met him. Percy is always getting kicked out of schools under mysterious circumstances, once he even burned the school gym down. Then when he goes to the Greek museum on a school trip his maths teacher try’s to kill him.
I went to the cinema to see Percy Jackson and The lightning Thief in the cinema for my twelfth birthday, I thought it was so cool! But I had no idea it was based on a book. Usually the book is WAY better than the movie, but I have to say the movie is very well done. It has nearly all my favourite parts from the book.
One thing I loved about these books is how much I learned from them. It tells you all about the Greek gods and goddesses. My favourite gods would be Hades, god of the underworld, I had no idea that Zeus and Poseidon were his brothers and Hermes god the roadways, travellers, merchants and thieves, he gets to travel everywhere delivering to the gods, he’s like the postman for Olympus. The goddess’ I prefer would have to be Athena goddess of wisdom, war and useful arts, she has a terrible temper, you could never tell her your better than her at something or she’ll turn you into something horrid.
Some the best quotes in the books:
“You are okay?" he asked. "Not eaten by monsters?"
"Not even a little bit." I showed him that I still had both arms and both legs, and Tyson clapped happily.
"Yay!" he said. "Now we can eat peanut butter sandwiches and ride fish ponies! We can fight monsters and see Annabeth and make things go BOOM!"
I hoped he didn't mean all at the same time, but I told him absolutely, we'd have a lot of fun this summer.”
“It's him," I said. "Typhon."
I was seriously hoping Chiron would say something good, like 'No, that's our huge friend Leroy! He's going to help us!”
“Little sister!" Apollo called. If his teeth were any whiter he could've blinded us without the sun car. "What's up? You never call. You never write. I was getting worried!"
Artemis sighed. "I'm fine, Apollo. And I am not your little sister."
"Hey, I was born first."
"We're twins! How many millennia do we have to argue—”
I would give this book 10 of the 10 and would recommend these for age 10 and up. The next Percy Jackson movie will be out next year, I suggest you read the books before you go and see the movie, so get reading.
Percy Jackson is a very troubled boy who has ADHD and dyslexia. He lives with his mother and smelly step father in an apartment, his father left without explanation when he was a baby and he has never met him. Percy is always getting kicked out of schools under mysterious circumstances, once he even burned the school gym down. Then when he goes to the Greek museum on a school trip his maths teacher try’s to kill him.
I went to the cinema to see Percy Jackson and The lightning Thief in the cinema for my twelfth birthday, I thought it was so cool! But I had no idea it was based on a book. Usually the book is WAY better than the movie, but I have to say the movie is very well done. It has nearly all my favourite parts from the book.
One thing I loved about these books is how much I learned from them. It tells you all about the Greek gods and goddesses. My favourite gods would be Hades, god of the underworld, I had no idea that Zeus and Poseidon were his brothers and Hermes god the roadways, travellers, merchants and thieves, he gets to travel everywhere delivering to the gods, he’s like the postman for Olympus. The goddess’ I prefer would have to be Athena goddess of wisdom, war and useful arts, she has a terrible temper, you could never tell her your better than her at something or she’ll turn you into something horrid.
Some the best quotes in the books:
“You are okay?" he asked. "Not eaten by monsters?"
"Not even a little bit." I showed him that I still had both arms and both legs, and Tyson clapped happily.
"Yay!" he said. "Now we can eat peanut butter sandwiches and ride fish ponies! We can fight monsters and see Annabeth and make things go BOOM!"
I hoped he didn't mean all at the same time, but I told him absolutely, we'd have a lot of fun this summer.”
“It's him," I said. "Typhon."
I was seriously hoping Chiron would say something good, like 'No, that's our huge friend Leroy! He's going to help us!”
“Little sister!" Apollo called. If his teeth were any whiter he could've blinded us without the sun car. "What's up? You never call. You never write. I was getting worried!"
Artemis sighed. "I'm fine, Apollo. And I am not your little sister."
"Hey, I was born first."
"We're twins! How many millennia do we have to argue—”
I would give this book 10 of the 10 and would recommend these for age 10 and up. The next Percy Jackson movie will be out next year, I suggest you read the books before you go and see the movie, so get reading.
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