Monday 25 June 2012

The Skulduggery Pleasant series

The Skulduggery Pleasant series of books by Derek Landy, were the first set of books that I read. They are made up of 7 books, 5 short stories and a new book being released soon. So I thought that before the new book comes out, The Kingdom of the Wicked, that I would give a review of what to expect.

I have to say that I absolutely loved these books, they are my favourite and Derek Landy is an inspiration to me. He has written the books very well. From the details in the scenes to the description of the characters. It’s a set of books I just could not put down, I enjoyed every word and was glued to the books. If you read them you will have lots of paper cuts from non stop reading and page turning.

The books are about a girl, Stephanie, who’s uncle has just died. When she and her family go over to hear about the will, they stand in the room awaiting on one Mr Skulduggery Pleasant. Then the door opened and the man in a tanned overcoat entered the room. “Everyone in the room stared at him, stared at the scarf and the gloves and the sunglasses and the wild fuzzy hair. It was a glorious day outside, certainly not the kind of weather to be wrapped up like this”.

I loved these books because they’re fun, full of action, the scenes are perfectly pitched, scary diabolical villains and creepiness.

Skulduggery Pleasant is, well, there’s no way to explain it really, he’s technically different. He’s a skeleton detective. That’s right, a skeleton, a collection of bones with no skin, blood or internal organs. And his head, it's not even his own. He won the skull he's wearing in a poker game.

Something I really loved in the books was all the different types of magicians, you don’t have witches or warlocks, you have something way better. There are Sorcerers, Adepts, Elementals and Necromancy.

In the first book Its all about Stephanie’s life, family and how she’s dealing with the hole detective, magician, warrior and dead part. I desperately want to tell you about everything, all the fights, deaths and villains… But I won’t, I will let you buy the book and enjoy it from the hilarious comments skulduggery makes down to the saving the world from ultimate evil.

“Being a detective isn’t all about torture and murder and monsters. Sometimes it gets truly unpleasant. The fate of the world may depend on whether or not you can bring yourself to visit your relatives.” - Skulduggery Pleasant to Stephanie.

I absolutely adored this book, It was breath taking. I would give it 10 out of 10 of course. I would recommend this to all ages young and old. It’s an amazing read. Derek Landy is my favourite author, he is my inspiration and does an amazing job writing these mystery novels. I highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys reading mystery novels and wish everyone who does read it good luck, because you will not be able to put it down for more than two seconds once you pick it up.

I loved these books so much, the best I’ve ever read.

I cant wait for the next one.