Monday, 25 February 2013

Witch Crag

My pres are all over. yes! I'm so happy, and worried at the same time for the results.. The good thing is I have no school today. All the teachers are to lazy to get up out of bed because they're so tired of watching us do are pres. Or they're busy correcting them, either or I have no school. I was very tired last night and plus I didn't get to use the internet... Mum... So instead I'm going to start writing now and hopefully have this up before the end of the day. Enough about me, lets get to the book.

This weeks book I will be reviewing is Witch Crag, by Kate Cann. I really enjoyed it, and must recommend it straight away because I thought it was such an amazing read.

In a tribe where basic survival is the only priority, Kita must make a choice: to accept arranged marriages and being treated with less value than sheep, or escape and journey to the place that even the strangest men fear with their lives - Witch Crag.
But a common threat is facing the witches and sheepmen alike. The tribes must somehow overcome their prejudices and join together if they are to win a war that threatens to destroy everything they hold as good.

My favorite character would have to be the main one, for one, Kita’s courage was astonishing, the way she spoke her mind to escape and take care of her friends. The layout and wording were something that always got me interested. My favorite layout of the speech is when it’s about one or more main characters and it’s them giving they’re opinion or expressing their feelings. The way Kita expressed her anger and jealousy towards her friends falling for each other was the most intriguing.

All though in witch crag its self is said to be a terrifying place where men are killed and their body’s hung. I think you will get a surprise when you find out what really go’s on there. I have to say at first I wasn’t happy with the ending, but I realised after a bit of time That I was just so involved in the book, I just didn’t want it to end. From how amazing it was I had to give five stars.

I have to say I haven’t picked up a book that I don’t know a thing about, read it, and enjoy  it as much as I did this book. I really think this book actually had everything from love, to war, to action adventure, to magical fantasy. I would actually read this book again if I got the time. I think I loved it so much because it reminded me so much about the Chaos Walking trilogy. Which is a brilliant thing by the way.