Monday 9 July 2012

The saga of Larten Crepsley

One of my favourite series of books would have to be The saga of Larten Crepsley by Darren Shan. I read The saga of Darren Shan but I have to say I loved these more. There made up of four books, I wished they would have been longer, I had them all read within a week.

I read the Darren Shan series before the Larten Crepsley so I knew what to except really. But I have to say they were still as amazingly entertaining even if I hadn’t read the Darren Shan before hand. I was so tremendously happy when I heard that he wrote a series for Larten Crepsley. He was my favourite character and it was great to learn about his history.

The first book Birth of a killer tells you how Larten came to become a vampire. The book starts right into it, with the very first sentence on the page. “When Larten Crepsley awoke and yawned one grey morning, he had no idea that by midday he would have become a killer”.

I cant even think of what to say, these books were phenomenal! One thing I always know when I pick up a Darren Shan novel is that its going to be an emotional and over-whelming ride. By the end of the Darren Shan series I was amazed at how many questions I had about most characters and when reading The saga of Larten Crepsley they were all answered.

These are one of the best set of books I have ever read. I could read them over and over again until my eyes fall out from reading to much and I would not get tired of them. I would definitely insist you read these books before the Darren Shan saga. You will understand the Darren Shan ones more and you will take pleasure in them much more.

They were an absolutely astonishing and much-loved set of books. I really don’t know how to express how much I am in love with the books. I literally have no words. All I can say is to read them and see for your self. I am insuring that you will love them. Nobody can read these books and not fall completely in love with them.

Some of my favourite Larten Crepsley quotes are:

Where will a creature of darkness hide if not in the shadows of the light”

“Life is too short for hate"

"They used to call me Quicksilver,” he whispered, smiling hollowly. “Fastest hands in the world” Then the smile vanished. His eyes flashed. And, like a silver of deadly mercury, he attacked…”

I would recommended this book to twelve’s and up. I was tremendously delighted with the
conclusion - or rather, the beginning... I wanted to give it four stars but the ending was just to astoundingly wonderful that I have to give it five starts.

Altogether it was a really astounding series, and I'm really sad that it has to end, but I'm glad I read them.

1 comment:

  1. Yet again you capture what a great read should be... Great review Cli... :)
